Dvarapala Yaksa (Celadon)

EN head m26
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Object :
Dvarapala Yaksa (Celadon)
Art Style :
Material : 
Glazed baked clay
Size :
34 cm. W, 54 cm. H
Era age :
the 19th – 21st Buddhist century
Characteristic :
The dwarfed Yaksa with turbid whiten glazed, round face, prominent nose, big round eyes with fangs and the crown, breast chain, hand and upper arm bracelet decorated by malas painting. Dvarapala is a standing statue, holding clubs, the front edge of a piece of loincloth. It was anciently believed to be a guard to protect an evil and fearsome matters from the religious places which was mostly found as door sculpture or mural painting.
Current :
Left leg damaged, the upper crown was disappeared, and unsmooth glaze
History :
Found during an excavation at Si Satchanalai, Si Satchanalai District, Sukhothai Province in 1971
Presented at :
Sawanvoranayok National Museum


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