Stucco Giant Head or Deva Head

EN head m28
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Object :
Giant Head or Stucco Portrait Head of Deva
Art style :
Hariphunchai Art
Material : 
Baked clay
Size :
19.5 cm. height, 19 cm. width
Era age :
the 15th - 16th Buddhist era
Characteristic :
Stucco Giant Head or Deva Head was made of rough-texture stucco. The sculpture has protruding angry eyes and sticking out tongue. Its characteristic is similar to the giant/deva head found in late Dhavaravadee period at city of U thong, Lawoe and Nakhon pathom. The portrait was made in Vaishnavism. Many scholars believed that this head represent Buddha. However, it is assumed that this head does not represent the Buddha image, despite the insignia mark on its forehead, due to its facial expression. Moreover, the insignia mark could appear on the foreheads of other Deva and Giant sculptures
History :
moved from Wat Phra That Hariphunchai
Presented at :
Hariphunchai National Museum, Lamphun.


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