

     Bangkok  National  Museum, currently is under the office Archaeology and National Museum of Fine Arts Department, the Ministry of Culture. The work is divided into four divisions overseen of 2 National Museum in the central and there is unit supports one agency as;

    1. Academic administration office
Responsible for collect, classify, record the registration of artifacts as the museum collected as well as study analyzes the content of the story. Perform exhibits Including presentation of the study in various formats such as lectures, articles and so on. Contact Tel. 02-224-1402

    2. Education Services office
Management is responsible for the study of antiquities, artifacts on display such as training, conferences, seminars, lectures, classroom facilities, exhibitions and research, manufacturing, media and educational tools. Providing educational services, such as visits to educational loan, library services Including activities. Contact Tel. 02-224-1333, 02-221-1842 Fax 02-224-1404

    3. The technical and artistic office
Responsible designed and implemented about showcasing antiques, art objects, such as label an object, pedestal base, cabinet. Organized lighting in the exhibition including technical and other fine arts for example, the museum's landscape, plumbing, electricity, Public Works, etc. Contact Tel. 02-224-4691

    4.General Administration office
Responsible about document Manager, the supervision of financial personnel including security in the Museum. Contact Tel. 02-224-1370 Fax 02-224-7493

แผนผังการบริหารและหน่วยงานต่างๆของพิพิธภัณฑสถานแห่งชาติ พระนคร

    5. Changton National Museum
Located at the Royal Elephant Care garage, Dusit Palace. Exhibit antiquities and artifacts about important elephants. and the sacred elephants of Thailand. Contact at Changton National Museum, next to the Parliament,U-Thong Nai Road Road,  Chitralada sub district,  Bangkok, 10300. Tel 02-282-3336

    6.National Museum of Royal Barges
Located at the entrance of Klong Bangkok Noi canal. Showcasing royal ceremonial barges, the important objects and artifacts related with royal ceremonial barges as the royal barge Narai Song Suban,   the royal barge Anantanakkharat, the Royal Barge Anekkachatphutchong ann so on. Contact tel 02-242-0004

    There is also National Museum Volunteers that most of these women are foreigners residing in Thailand. The unit is supported by a joint venture of the museum organized educational events about antiques, art objects for foreigners as bringing the audience into four different languages including English, French, German and Japanese, management lectures, visits the preparation of publications, translation and editing captions three foreign languages, the Library service as slides and webcast available on loan. Contact Tel. 02-587-1880 or Nana Post Box, Bangkok 10112.